DPS #170 Logo

April 9, 2020 - A message from Margo Empen, Superintendent of Dixon Public Schools #170

 Dixon Public Schools recognizes the importance of end-of-year activities for students, parents, family members and faculty to celebrate the accomplishments of our students. Dixon Public Schools continues to adhere to guidance from Governor Pritzker, the Illinois State Board of Education, the Illinois Department of Public Health, and the CDC in determining when it will be safe to hold these events.  School is currently closed through April 30, 2020.  DPS #170 is announcing our schedule for the following events:  Prom, Graduation, DHS Senior Award Night, and Reagan Middle School Promotion.  We will update these dates as we are provided more information.  We thank you for your patience and understanding as we continue to navigate these unchartered waters.







April 18th

June 19th

July 31st

DHS Graduation

May 31st

June 21st

August 2nd

Senior Award Night

May 6th

June 17th

July 29th

RMS Promotion

May 26th

June 22nd

August 3rd



We will provide updates on our website, app, and social media pages as they become available.  Thank you, and stay safe and healthy.