Ella G. and Jaxson G. at Dixon Rotary Club today. #BePurple #SuperStudents
Stupor Bowl 2023 is scheduled for Saturday, February 11, 2023! Click the link for all the details and get your team ready.
Support the Reagan Royal Band! The Reagan Band Program is in need of new music stands. Sponsor a stand for $60 and we will put your name on a plaque recognizing your donation! If you need a donation sheet, stop by the Reagan office or ask an RMS Bando!
Cell Project presentation day in 7th grade Science.
Reagan Middle School Parents may sign up to receive emails when their child completes assessments in Star and receive updates from Renaissance Home Connect. There is an individualized paper to sign up coming home today, November 28, 2022, with your child. Please contact Mrs. Glenn with any questions.
We look forward to seeing everyone back in school tomorrow! Let’s finish first semester strong DPS! #BePurple #Thankful
RMS Student Council and Builders Club donated two Thanksgiving meals to deserving families.
6th grade science students wrapped up the volcano unit by creating models of the different types of volcanoes and completing an art project to showcase what they’ve learned.
RMS Family and Community Royal Report - November 2022 - https://5il.co/1kfgv
E-Learning or Snow Days - What you need to know
At the start of inclement weather we discuss the use of E-Learning Days and Snow Days. At last night's Board Meeting, Mrs. Empen discussed the reasoning behind when each day is utilized. The information below explains for parents, guardians, students, staff, and the community the District plans moving forward when having to decide how to proceed if and when inclement weather arrives.
E-Learning Days: An e-learning day will be utilized districtwide when there is enough advanced notice that teachers can prepare appropriate learning materials for students to work on while at home. For students in grades Pre-kindergarten through grade 5, learning packets will be sent home with students in anticipation of an e-learning day. Pre-kindergarten through grade 5 students will utilize Seesaw for e-learning days as well. For students in grade 6-12, lessons and Zoom/Teams meeting times will be uploaded in Canvas prior to the 7:45 a.m. start time. E-learning days do not require adding additional days to the end of the school year.
Snow Days: A snow day will be utilized districtwide when there is not enough advanced notice for teachers to prepare appropriate learning materials for students to work on from home. When a snow day is called, students and teachers are not in attendance. Snow days are required to be made up utilizing the emergency days added to each year’s school calendar.
I will utilize our automated call and text system to announce plans on inclement weather days. Please make sure that phone numbers are updated in Lumen to ensure you receive the call or text. We will continue to notify local radio stations, television stations, our website and social media pages when inclement weather arises. The fastest way to receive inclement weather information is through our automated call and text system.
Just a reminder that tonight, you can support the DHS Class Officers by taking a night off of cooking and buying dinner (and hopefully a few cookies) at the Dixon McDonalds on Tuesday, November 15th from 4-8pm. A percentage of all sales will go directly back to the DHS Class Officers to offset costs for future DHS events.
Where in RMS has the most bacteria? 7th grade science classes swabbed 40 different locations around the school to culture and find out!
Help support the DHS Class Officers by taking a night off of cooking and buying dinner (and hopefully a few cookies) at the Dixon McDonalds on Tuesday, November 15th from 4-8pm. A percentage of all sales will go directly back to the DHS Class Officers to offset costs for future DHS events.
RMS Choir and DHS Concert Choir members did incredible yesterday while recording for the KWQC TV6 News Choirs of Christmas segment! Here’s a sneak preview. We will share details about when it will air once we know!
What happens to an egg when you soak it in vinegar, colored water, corn syrup and then plain water? 7th grade science students have been finding out for a week!
Happy Halloween! Bring $1 to wear a Costume tomorrow! All proceeds will go towards purchasing items for the Cart of Fun. Costumes should be school appropriate with no masks or weapons. All costumes should be put together at home. No glitter or hair coloring should be sprayed or applied at school.
RMS 8th Graders - just a reminder that registration for the Washington DC trip is soon approaching. Please see the attached document and contact Ms. Becker for more information (bbecker@dps170.org) - https://5il.co/1jyz7
7th graders explored the properties of the cell membrane today in Science.
Hannah L. and Mekhi M. at Dixon Rotary Club today. #Bepurple #SuperStudents
RMS Royal Report for October 2022 - https://5il.co/1jbcr