Catch up with the latest student stories, sports scores, and news updates. It’s everything DPS #170, in your pocket. Download the app on Android: or iPhone:
over 5 years ago, Dixon Schools
Congratulations to the RMS Girls Cross Country team who won the Sectional this past weekend and will race this weekend at the IESA State Meet. A special shoutout to Keeley who was the individual Sectional Champ!
over 5 years ago, Reagan Middle School
RMS Girls Cross Country Sectional Champions
We're so proud of Mrs. Kuehl being the Sauk Valley News Teacher of the Month, we had to share it again.Jefferson School is thrilled to have you! #gopurple
over 5 years ago, Dixon Schools
Photo of Mrs. Kuehl as she finds out she is the first teacher of the month
All Dixon Public Schools will be closed on Monday, October 14th to observe Columbus Day. We look forward to seeing everyone back at school on Tuesday.
over 5 years ago, Dixon Schools
Columbus Day 2019 Graphic
RMS Royals of the Week - 10.11.19
over 5 years ago, Reagan Middle School
RMS Royals of the Week - 10.11.19
DPS #170 is excited to announce our Open Houses at Jefferson and Dixon High School to highlight the construction and renovation work completed over the last year. Join us Saturday, October 26 at 10 a.m. at Jefferson School and at 1 p.m. at Dixon High School. There will be District personnel and representatives from Russell Construction and Green Associates there to answer your questions. We are proud of the work done and invite you to share in our excitement. #GoPurple
over 5 years ago, Margo Empen
Reminder: Today, Friday, October 11th, is a half day. All school will dismiss at 11am.
over 5 years ago, Dixon Schools
We are loving our new app! Access cafeteria menus, news updates, and even emergency notifications. Download the app on Android: or iPhone:
over 5 years ago, Dixon Schools
Mark your calendar's for the Dixon High School Fall Play, November 1st, 2nd & 3rd! #gopurple
over 5 years ago, Dixon Schools
Poster for DHS Fall Play, November 1 - 3
We just posted the Dixon Strong Leadership Committee's press release and survey data on our News page. Please go to to read the press release and supporting data. We partnered with #DixonStrong to make the survey available to our parents & community.
over 5 years ago, Margo Empen
Join us on Oct. 30, 2019 at 6:30 pm in the Wiltz Auditorium at DHS for a parent presentation on Cyber-Bullying & Social Networks. Det. Wistocki will be informing & empowering parents with proactive strategies to combat cyber-bullying & understanding tech your child may be using.
over 5 years ago, Margo Empen
Sharing information about some October events from the Dixon Park District.
over 5 years ago, Dixon Schools
Park District Haunted 5k flyer
Halloween at the Park Flyer from the Park District
This Friday we will be launching our new website and District app after school. This platform is also how we will send out text messages, phone call alerts, and communications about education and District events. You can access the parent portal thru the app. #gopurple
over 5 years ago, Margo Empen
Game time change - The Varsity Football game for tonight is now scheduled for 5pm.
over 5 years ago, Dixon Schools
Gameday banner for 9-27-19
It's Homecoming and it's game day! #gopurple
over 5 years ago, Dixon Schools
Gameday graphic for 9-27-2019
Everyone at Dixon High School is showing their spirit for Homecoming Week! #gopurple
over 5 years ago, Dixon Schools
Photo of high school students in beach attire
Photo of high school students in cowboy and alien attire
Photo of 2 teachers in celebrity costumes
Photo of high school students in red clothes
Here's an opportunity for Madison & Reagan students to participate in the Winter Musical from the Woodlawn Arts Academy
over 5 years ago, Dixon Schools
Lion King Jr. flyer page 1
Lion King Jr. flyer page 2
Reagan teachers review student data during institute time
over 5 years ago, Jim Manley
Reagan teachers review student data during their institute time.
We encourage everyone in the community to take the DixonStrong Survey
over 5 years ago, Jim Manley
Dixon's Amazing Teachers: The Telegraph and KSB are recognizing Dixon's Amazing Teachers. Nominate your favorite teacher this month! Nominations for September will be from the 16th to the 22nd.
over 5 years ago, Jim Manley